Monday, 16 November 2009


Natural/ Organic Forms.
(something that has lived or is living)

One of the ideas i have for my natural/organic forms photograph is to take something natural/organic and make it look like something else maybe taking a natural/ organic form and recreating it to look like something unnatural, by the angle composition or taking something and physicaly minipulating it. I have also thought about the beutiy of nature and the sadness of somthing so beutifull dieing, in a way nature taking it course. There are also alot of strange detail when you look closely at organic forms, things we tend to miss, i would also like to concentrate on this element.

 Below are some photographers and artists that have inspired me to do this. and explain what i am talking about.

Here there are four pieces of work done by a photographer called Kristina Buceatich (one above and three below) the first one imperticular caught my eye for the nature/organic photograph. Its very interesting how Kristina has taken the normal everyday tree branch and tuned the composition around to make it look like somthing completely different. Which makes me think about how many things  that I could see on a day to day basis and  turn around to look like something else.

The photograph above makes me think how organic/naturals forms wilter. how they become something so beutifull and as they wilter look worn and tired. In a way this is quite a sad photograph.

I would love to recreate this photograph. in a way this image stands for alot. it says to me that no matter what the beiuty of natural and organic forms will always be there, and how they can can light up or make it more interesting of a dull scene or situation. the flowers being the main focal point in colour.
I chose this photoraph in my research because it is relevent to the beuty of natural and organic things. this image gives me a sense of tranquility.

This photograph above is quite similar to what i would like to acive in the sence of concentrating on detail of organic and natural forms, filling the frame with the weird and wonderfull details of natural and organic forms.

The two photographs above and below have been taken by Stanley and Kaisa Breeden. as i came across there work it cave me the inspiration to take an organic or natural form and make it look less orgainc/natural and more extrodanary  by useing symetry on photoshop.

below three sculptures by a well Known sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. Andy uses natural forms and reacreates them into his trade mark sculptures. Some of the sculptures he makes outside, takes a photograph of them and leaves them outside such s this one below in the lake. i have attended one of Andy Goldsworthy's art galleries where most of his sculptures are spread across a vast amount of land outside in a fields. You are given a map and have to hunt for each art piece. A very different and interesting way of aproaching an art galley. i really enjoyed the experiance.

Below are three photographs by Karl Bossfeldt. I really like the way he has taken oraganic and natural forms and used a scalpol to turn them into irregular shapes completely oposite to the natural form. also somehow acheveing slightly different textures to theses organic objects. i would like to experiment with my scalpol and try something similar.

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